There is always a fascination and attraction when a father-son duo acts together. We experienced that in Jor but it is missing in Vettrivel and Sakthivel. In the name of fun and entertainment the director has chosen to give a go-by to a minor matter called logic and story.
An amateurish screenplay and predictable sequence of events makes it an ordinary venture. One wonders why Sathyaraj accepts such kinds of movies where he has nothing much to do but play a second fiddle to Vadivelu. Sibiraj playing the hero still has a long way to go. Kushboo as Sibiraj's mother ends up with a tame show. A perfect chatter-box is Vadivelu for he speaks lengthy dialogues in the name of humor. Become quite predicatble is Vadivelu. Nikitha playing Sibi's ladylove succeeds in oozing glamour all through the film.
The movie is all about Vettrivel (Sathyaraj), a rich merchant in Coimbatore. His son Sakthivel (Sibiraj) helps his father in business and comes across Nikitha and falls in love.
Meanwhile, Vettrivel gets his daughter married to a rich family in the village. Unfortunately they happen to be a gang of terrorists. Meanwhile, Vettrivel opposes his son's love. The rest is all but how Sakthivel brings an end to the terrorists and also succeeds in holdingthe hands of Nikitha.
Srikanth Deva's has come with a average score.
Lakshmi Priyan, the debutant director, shows up only in the title card.
Rating: 0 / 5.0
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