After an impressive debut with Aadharam and a number of good flicks like Savidham and Indreeyam, George Kithu is back this time with an average fare. The film Sooryakireedom has little elements that make us immersed but the film just passes through as a different attempt.
As every other horror films released recently, Sooryakireedam also finds its plot from a group of four girls, who comes over to stay at a big ancestral house, Maalika Veedu, in a silent hermitage. The group is led by Pooja (Remya Nambeeshan), daughter of businessman Viswanaathan Nair (Subair) and other in the group are Merlin, Aswathy and Neethu, all stylish and modern, with varied characters and interests.
Neethu, who is in love with Vivek take a chance to share some intimate moments with him on the day of Pooja's birthday celebrations, on a room in the tharavadu, filled with antiques. The Pandora's Box opens as Pooja who gets a blue Sapphire ring from this room, when they are in the search of another missing ring in the room. That is when the nightmare begins, as they realize that the house they shack up in is haunted --- as they starts seeing and hearing weird things. The first to get disappeared from the house was Nandhu, a servant boy of the house as he follows a mysterious man found, in the outskirts of the house. Very soon, Pooja gets inflicted by a mysterious psychosis.
And to help Pooja from this dismal situation arrives Vishnu Narayanan, a close friend of her father and a world famous Tanthric specialist. He is the last word in the studies of transmigration, fusion therapy and dissolution mechanism. His enquiry into the history of the tharavadu brings to light the two mishappenings that have taken place before five years in the house. With the help of Janu a servant of the house, he gets to know the story of Ananthan Thampuran, Madhavi Thampuraty, their son Shivram and his cousin Urmila (Nithyaadas), who were once a part of this particular household.Urmila and her husband Jayakrishnan were the two, found dead on the day of their marriage and it is the spirit of Urmila who is roaming around to take revenge.
By this time, Vishnu finds the reality that at any instant another murder is going to take place, and its high time he can resist the fate......The film which follows loosely, the basics of Manichithrathaazhu, follows how Vishnu Narayan finds ways, with the help of Pooja's heartthrob Gawthaman (Nishaanth Sagar), to help her out from the spirit that has got into her and how he saves her from a disaster.
The film which turns into a twisty murder mystery, but let goes of its troubled emotional tearjerker versions. The result is very half-baked, unrealistic dialogues and constantly compelling performances forced to stretch an unimpressive plot. The film has the hangover of a linear story, with not many surprises in the main plot.
The film also has its fare share of faults. The most important one being the ending. After a subdued climax, you begin to wonder why this film starts reasonably well and end poorly.
Indrajeet once again prove his mettle, playing Shivram. Shammy Thilakan is Vishnu Narayanan who also delivers a commendable performance. Remya Nambeeshan, Subair, Remya nambaeeshan and Nithyaadaas also makes better performances. The scripts by Deepu Karulai, is not much worth mentioning, taking roots from a bunch seen before. The entire music department of the film backfires even with a much worse rerecording by Rajamani.
Rating: 0 / 5.0
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