Covid-19: Millions estimated to die in the next three months
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The spectre of Covid-19 is back. China is currently reeling under a fresh wave of the coronavirus pandemic. China recently suspended its Zero-Covid policy, following which restrictions were lifted across the country. In no time, Covid-19 cases shot up exponentially.
As per the well-known epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding, about 60% of China's population is going to get infected by Covid-19 in the next three months. About 10% of the global population is estimated to get infected.
It means that deaths will likely be in the millions.
Beijing is said to be one of the hotbeds of Covid-19 these days. Hospitals are packed with Covid-19 patients, reports say.
But should India be worried? As per an expert associated with the Government of India, we need not panic although vigil must be maintained. Indians are adequately immunized with Covid vaccines, he said.
Unlike China's vaccines, the vaccines Indians have been administered (read Covishield and Covaxin) are far more effective.
Meanwhile, there is a demand that the Centre must immediately ban air travel to and from China.
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Devan Karthik
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